Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Python programming language

Developed by Guido van Rossum in early nineties, The features that make it attractive is that it is dynamically typed, concise and compact. well, i am personally used to with Java.
It is important to note that asserting that a programmer can be more productive in Python than in Java, is not the same as asserting that one ought always to use Python and never to use Java. Programming languages are tools, and different tools are appropriate for different jobs. It is a poor workman whose toolbox contains only a hammer (no matter how big it is!), and it is a poor programmer (or software development organization) whose development toolkit contains only one programming language. Our toolboxes should contain both Python and Java, so that in any given situation we have the option of choosing the best tool for the job. So our claim is not that Python is the only programming language that you’ll ever need — only that the number of jobs for which Python is the best tool is much larger than is generally recognized.


  1. Where should be our focus in python while working on openerp?

  2. Good Question!
    You should take a brief information about the data types such as lists, dictionary, tuples (with all basics). These are widely use in builtin modules come along with openErp framework.
